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About the Artist

Ten years ago, I carved a wooden sign at the request of a family friend. He received so many compliments from people he knew that I suddenly found myself in a position where I was carving every day! A few months later, my son and I were watching “Shark Tank.” I remember when he said to me, “Dad? What if you make me some of those signs to sell to my friends at school?” It was then that we came up with the idea to take my items to a local craft show. We sold out of everything we took to our first show. It was from there that we decided to sell my items online and find out what could happen next! Because of customers like you, I have expanded my business into something more than just a pastime and hobby. I truly love seeing my work in other people’s homes and offices and receiving feedback on things I created myself. I take great pride in my work and regardless of the amount of dust that makes its way into our home from my shop, my wife agrees that my sign business is more than just a hobby for me. Instead, we both believe it is something that brings tremendous joy to our lives. Thank you for being a part of my journey. I look forward to creating something for you!